Qfes Certified Agreement 2019

The QFES Certified Agreement 2019 is an agreement that sets out the terms and conditions of employment for employees of the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES). The agreement is negotiated between the QFES and its employees, which ensures that they are fairly compensated for their work.

The QFES is responsible for providing fire and emergency services across Queensland. The organization employs over 5,000 people and provides services to over 4 million people in the state. The QFES Certified Agreement 2019 aims to ensure that its employees are well-rewarded for their essential services.

The agreement covers a range of employment conditions, including pay rates, leave entitlements, hours of work, and other benefits such as superannuation and training and development. It also includes provisions for workplace health and safety and job security.

One of the key benefits of the QFES Certified Agreement 2019 is the increase in pay rates. The agreement includes a 2.5% pay rise per year over the life of the agreement, which ensures that QFES employees are compensated fairly for their work. The agreement also includes provisions for additional allowances and bonuses, which further increase employee compensation.

In addition to these financial benefits, the agreement also includes provisions for flexible working arrangements. These arrangements include options for flexible start and finish times, job sharing, and the ability to work from home. These arrangements allow QFES employees to better balance their work and personal lives, which leads to increased job satisfaction and better mental health.

The QFES Certified Agreement 2019 is an important agreement for QFES employees, as it sets out the terms and conditions of their employment. The agreement provides a range of benefits to ensure that QFES employees are fairly compensated for their work, and that they have access to flexible working arrangements. These provisions ensure that QFES employees can remain committed to providing essential services to the people of Queensland.

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