Other Names for Non-Disclosure Agreement

Non-disclosure agreements are important legal documents that protect confidential information shared between parties. While they are commonly known as NDAs, there are several alternative names that can be used to refer to them.

1. Confidentiality Agreement: This is perhaps the most commonly used alternative name for an NDA. It emphasizes the importance of confidentiality and the need for parties to keep sensitive information private.

2. Secrecy Agreement: As the name suggests, a secrecy agreement emphasizes the need for secrecy and confidentiality in the handling of sensitive information. This term is often used in the context of government or military contracts.

3. Proprietary Information Agreement: This type of agreement highlights the proprietary nature of the information being shared between parties and the need to protect it from unauthorized disclosure.

4. Confidential Disclosure Agreement: This is another alternative name for an NDA that emphasizes the confidential nature of the information being exchanged between parties.

5. Trade Secret Agreement: This type of agreement is used specifically to protect trade secrets, which are confidential information that give a company a competitive advantage.

6. Non-disclosure and Non-circumvention Agreement: This type of agreement not only prevents parties from disclosing confidential information, but also prohibits them from circumventing the agreement by using the information for personal gain.

7. Mutual Confidentiality Agreement: This type of agreement is used when both parties are exchanging confidential information and want to ensure that both parties are bound by the same confidentiality obligations.

While all of these terms can be used interchangeably, it`s important to ensure that the specific terms used in an agreement are appropriate for the context in which it will be used. It`s always best to consult with a legal professional to ensure that the language used in an NDA accurately reflects the intentions of both parties and provides adequate protection for confidential information.

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